Published and Presented Work

Some of my work is published in academic journals, or presented at conferences.

Published Articles

Voorhees, H.L., & Scheinfeld, E. (2025). A health influence? Exploring the relationships between unsponsored social media posts, loneliness, isolation and health-related behavioral intentions. Kentucky Journal of Communication, 42(2).

Thompson, C. M., Voorhees, H.L., Taniguchi-Dorios, E., Makos, S., Pool, K., & Babu, S. (2024). Development and initial assessment of an emotional support provision training intervention for Interpersonal Support Providers in the context of chronic illness. Health Communication, 39(13).

Voorhees, H.L., Koenig Kellas, J., Palmer-Wackerly, A.L., Gunning, J.N., Marsh, J.S., & Baker, J. (2023). Making sense of memorable messages about fertility problems: Examining message valence by theme and sender. Health Communication. doi:10.1080/10410236.2023.2254928

Voorhees, H. L., Makos, S., Babu, S., Taniguchi‐Dorios, E., & Thompson, C. M. (2023). People who help people: A needs assessment of those who provide interpersonal support to individuals with chronic illnesses. Personal Relationships. doi:10.1111/pere.12491

Voorhees, H.L. (2023). Informal and formal networks. In E. Ho, C. Bylund & J. van Weert (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Wiley.  

Voorhees, H.L. (2022). ‘I literally was just not myself’: How chronic pain changes multiple frames of identity. Health Communication. doi:10.1080/10410236.2022.2025702  

Taniguchi-Dorios, Voorhees, H.L. & Donovan, E. (2022) Voorhees, H.L. (2022). Mental illness disclosure from confidants’ perspective within romantic relationships: Validation and extension of the disclosure quality model. Communication Monographs. doi:10.1080/03637751.2022.2125995

Scheinfeld, E., & Voorhees, H.L. (2022). How Social Media, FoMO, and Isolation Influence Our Perceptions of Others Who ‘Break the Rules'‘. Social Media and Society. 1-18. doi:10.1177/20563051221103841

Palmer-Wackerly, A. L., Voorhees, H. L., Koenig Kellas, J., Marsh, J. S., Baker, J. T., Housh, B. C., Luc, M.-L. T., & Hall, R. D. (2022). How individuals use metaphors to negotiate fertility treatment decision-making with their romantic partners. Health Communication, 38(12). doi:10.1080/10410236.2022.2096984

Voorhees, H.L., and Mackert, M. (2020). Helping future providers talk about mental health. The Clinical Teacher, 17(5). doi:10.1111/tct.13294


Palmer-Wackerly, A. L. & Voorhees, H. L. (2020). Illness identity Within the Family – And Beyond. In J. Soliz and C. W. Colaner (Eds). Navigating Relationships in the Modern Family: Communication, Identity, and Difference. New York, NY: Peter Lang.

Palmer-Wackerly, A. L., Voorhees, H., D’Souza, S., & Weeks, E. (2019). Infertility patient-provider communication and (dis)continuity of care: An exploration of illness identity transitions. Patient Education and Counseling, 102(4), 804-809.

Voorhees, H. L., & Howell Smith, M. C. (2019). Qualitative and quantitative method integration in diabetes communication research: Applications and contributions. Qualitative Health Research, 30(2), 228-235.

Competitively-Selected Conference Presentations


Minniear, M., Voorhees, H.L., & Nichols, Morgan Harper. A brain that never sleeps: An arts-based exploration of Black women's narratives of ADHD. Paper presented at the International Communication Association conference, June 2025.

Voorhees, H.L., Koenig Kellas, J., Palmer-Wackerly, A. L., Gunning, J., Marsh, J., & Baker, J. Memorable messages of support during the infertility experience. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division at the International Communication Association conference, May 2021.  

Palmer-Wackerly, A. L., Voorhees, H. L., Kellas, J. K., Marsh, J., Baker, J., Housh, B., Luc, M.-L., & Hall, R. D. Navigating the infertility journey: How patients and partners negotiate communication in treatment decision-making. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division at the annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN, November 2020.

*Voorhees, H.L. Creating and validating a relational identity scale. Paper presented at the D.C. Health Communication Conference, May 2025.

Thompson, C. M., Voorhees, H. L., Taniguchi-Dorios, E., Makos, S., Pool, K., & Babu, S. Findings of emotional support intervention for non-primary support providers in the context of chronic illness. Paper presented at the D.C. Health Communication Conference, April 2023.

Voorhees, H.L. “I was literally just not myself”: How chronic pain changes multiple layers of identity. Poster to be presented at the D.C. Health Communication conference, April 2021. Winner: Top Early Scholar Poster Award.

Voorhees, H.L., & Palmer-Wackerly, A.L. Illness identity and ongoing communication: Testing a new typology. Presented at the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, April 2020.

Voorhees, H.L. & April, M. Communication about chronic pain to build trust. A two-phase exploratory study. Poster presented at D.C. Health Communication Conference, Fairfax, VA, April 2019.


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