If I had a witty personal motto,

I’d include it here.


I’m an Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Montana. My research and teaching focus is interpersonal health communication, and I am particularly interested in how people communicatively manage illness identity, how individuals seek and offer social support, and how people choose to disclose health-related information. I’m a mixed-methods scholar, working in contexts such as infertility, mental health, and chronic pain.

Before I entered Academia, I worked as a small-town newspaper reporter, a magazine editor, a corporate communications manager, and an internal communications consultant. And (like almost everyone) a barista— yes, I judge your Frappuccino.


University of Texas at Austin (2019-2020): Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Health Communication

University of Nebraska-Lincoln (2019): Ph.D., Communication Studies, specialization in Interpersonal Health Communication

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (2015): M.A. Strategic Comm.

Minnesota State University, Moorhead (2003): B.A. Mass Comm, specialization in Print Journalism